Breakout – Prisoners of War

The following sixteen 140th Regiment Officers were recorded as Prisoners of War in a Roll of Honour in ‘Grand Party’:

Lieutenant-Colonel C.J. ODLING T.D. (wounded at Cassel)

Major N. CHRISTOPHERSON M.C. (wounded at Cassel)

Captain H. WESTLEY

Captain C.A. HOOD

Captain C.L MacDOUGALL (on the run in occupied France until July 1940)

Captain F.N. SIRKETT

Lieutenant R.N. BAXTER

Lieutenant J. JEFFERY (wounded)

2nd Lieutenant C.J.L. BENNETT (wounded)

2nd Lieutenant F.W.W. STEPHENS (wounded)

2nd Lieutenant M.R. ROWLAND

2nd Lieutenant J.H. FITCH

2nd Lieutenant D. BUDD

Lieutenant D.W. LACEY (R.A.M.C.)

Lieutenant E.N. LAYTON (Royal Signals)

Agent de Liaison Georges KEMIR (French Army)

The following 367 Battery, 140th Regiment men (seventy men so far) are recorded as POWs in the National Archives collection of digitised German Capture cards.  Ironically the best record of captured men originates from the POW record cards issued by the German Army! This is an incomplete archive as many German capture cards are either missing from the collection or are awaiting digitisation; a total of approximately 200 men of the 140th Regiment were captured. search terms: ‘Royal Artillery’ + ‘140 Regiment’ + ‘Watou’ + ‘Watteau’ + ‘Wateau’ + ‘Wahtou’ + ‘Cassel’ + ‘Winnezeele’ + ‘Poperinghe’

Gunner George Measures, 897843, age 22

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou.

Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn. [Death in captivity: 15 July 1942]

Lance Bombardier George Lucas, 1416782, age 40

Date of Capture: 30/05/1940. Watou.

Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf. [Death in captivity: 22 March 1945]

 Gunner Jack Down. 911231 age 19.

Date of Capture: 30/5/1940. Wahtou (sic).

Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn. [Death in captivity: 13 February 1941]

POW Survivors:

Lieutenant Ronald Baxter. age 36 [see Biography section]

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Oflag VIIC Laufen.

Gunner Stanley Hudson, age 30

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf

Gunner William Barker, age 23

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Ernest King, 897521, age 21

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner John McCarthy, 914911, age 22

Date of Capture: 30/05/1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Lance Bombardier Robert Howes, age 29

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Eric Hill,  897524, age 22

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner George Maxwell, age 21

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Frederick Gooch, age 22

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Albert Hughes, 947059, age 21

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Henry Doehren, age 27

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Thomas Lockett. age 22

Date of Capture: 30/05/1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Arthur Garrod , age 31

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Lance Bombardier John Butler, age 33

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin

Gunner Joseph Dollin, age 34

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Lance Bombardier Robert Howes, age 29

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner John Bainbridge, age 21

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf

Gunner Alfred Coleman, 916421, age 21

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Harry Church, 945181, age 21

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Robert Edwards, 947014, age 21

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Alexander Dey, 867785, age 24

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag IVB Muhlberg.

Sergeant Leslie Chandler, 750415, age 34

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Edwin Mayhew, 945507, age 21

Date of Capture: 30/05/1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf

Gunner George Birt, 918691, age 37

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: [unspecified]

Gunner Charles Davies, 900843, age 35

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner George Blaber, 945188, age 21

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Teschen.

Gunner Leslie Douglas Chard. Date of Birth: 11/12/1918.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940.  Cassel.  Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Eric Greenhough. Date of Birth: 12/12/1918.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Charles Higham. Date of Birth: 1/2/1919.

Date of Capture: 30th May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag IXC Bad Sulza.

Gunner John William Brown. Date of Birth: 16 January 1909.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel, Camp Name/Number: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Stephen Bristow. Date of Birth: 22/6/1918.

Date of Capture: 28th May 1940 Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Sergeant William Walter Gray. Date of Birth: 17/11/1917.

Date of Capture: 28th May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Charles James Davies. Date of Birth: 15/06/1914.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Sydney Albert Leary. Date of Birth: 16/04/1917.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB.

Gunner Ernest Charles Galsworthy. Date of Birth: 26/11/1918.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Thomas Frederick Hale. Date of Birth: 30/03/1911.

Date of Capture: 26 May 1940.  Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Bombardier Harold Edwards. Date of Birth: 28/10/1913.

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Teschen.

Gunner George Fletcher. Date of Birth: 26/08/1907.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn

Gunner George Mason. Date of Birth: 04/11/1919.

Date of Capture: 28/05/1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Sagan.

Gunner George McIntyre. Date of Birth: 07/06/1918.

Date of Capture: 30/05/1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB.

Gunner Francis John Humphries. Date of Birth: 6/2/1911.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Hugh Rowland Burge. Date of Birth: 30 November 1919.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Driver Bernard Hirst. Date of Birth: 12/9/1910. (see ‘Biography’ section)

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Lance Bombardier John Harrington. Date of Birth: 8/7/1918.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940.  Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Frederick Corker. Date of Birth: 6/5/1918.

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Driver Thomas Winterborne Holmes. Date of Birth: 16/1/1916.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Charles Kent. Date of Birth: 12/02/1916.

Date of Capture: 26 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXIA Schildberg.

Gunner William Bailey. Date of Birth: 29 December 1907.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Bombardier Robert Edwin Adkin. Date of Birth: 16 October 1919.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940.  Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Bombardier Reginald Arthur Bowles. Date of Birth: 27/3/1914.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940.  Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Robert William Edwards. 947014, Date of Birth: 11/12/1918.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf.

Gunner Henry Andrews. Date of Birth: 29 December 1905.

Date of Capture: 27 May 1940. Cassel. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin (Poland)

Sergeant George Frederick Matthews. Date of Birth: 13/12/1913.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. ‘Watteau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Edward Martin. Date of Birth 24 February 1913

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. ‘Watteau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn

L/Bdr Henry Dunn. 913826, Date of Birth 6th March 1918

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Watteau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin

Bmdr. Cyril Geoffrey Bailey. Date of Birth: 10 May 1911.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Watteau’. Camp Name: Stalag VB Villingen.

Gunner Thomas Gray. Date of Birth: 15/1/1919.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Watteau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Gunner George Henry Clark. Date of Birth: 12/1/1917.

Date of Capture: 27 May 1940. ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Joshua [L] Dresser. Date of Birth: 22/9/1918.

Date of Capture 30 May 1940. ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

L/Bmdr Edwin Tewsbury Fogg. Date of Birth: 20/6/1918.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Gunner Stanley [C] Hird. (or Hind?) Date of Birth: 22/6/1912.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Driver Sidney [W] Carter. Date of Birth: 22/11/1918.

Date of Capture: 28 May 1940. ‘Wateau’ .Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Gunner Wilfred Dale. Date of Birth: 24/09/1914.

Date of Capture: 25 May 1940: Wateau. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Gunner [J] Alfred Douglas. Date of Birth: 5/4/1912.

Date of Capture 30 May 1940: ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXA Thorn.

Gunner Charles Kane. Date of Birth: 10/12/1919 (or 1899?)

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. ‘Wateau’. Camp Name: Stalag XXIB Schubin.

Lieutenant Reginald Fitch. Date of Birth 22 February 1915

Date of Capture: 31st May 1940. Poperinghe. Camp Name: Oflag VIIC Laufen

Captain Denis W Lacey. RAMC, Date of Birth: 10/03/1914. Place of Birth: Sutton.

Date of Capture: 29 May 1940. Watou. Camp Name: Oflag VIIC Laufen.

Gunner Ernest William Wilson. Date of Birth 5/11/20. Place of Birth: Silvertown.

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940. Camp name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf

2nd Lt Maurice Rowland. Date of Birth 3/3/11. Place of Birth: St Albans

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940 Watou. Camp name: Oflag VIIC Laufen

Driver Arthur Madel. Date of Birth 8-10-16 Place of Birth: East Ham London

Date of Capture: 30 May 1940 Watou. Camp name: Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf